HOW to manage my Expenditure
There are also means by which you can control the amount that you spend on 19 SMS services. Your mobile service provider has tools which you can utilise to maintain control over the level of access that your mobile phone service has to 19 SMS services.
The following list contains details of the 19 SMS expenditure management tools that are available to consumers via their mobile service providers. Simply scroll down the list to find your service provider and then follow the link to the web page containing the details..
AAPT customers wishing to limit their spending on mobile premium services are able to monitor their usage by logging in to their account at where they can view information about spending on their account.
Additional information about Premium Services is available at
Bendigo Bank Telco provides mobile customers with access to call barring facilities that can prevent access to Premium content. Barring capabilities include the ability to bar or limit both premium calls and premium SMS/MMS.
Our plans will allow you specify a monthly spend limit for premium SMS services. You can alter your monthly limit at any stage simply by contacting our Customer Centre team on 1300 737 881.
To help you monitor your usage you can access information relating to unbilled amounts on your account. Access to such information can be made by calling our Customer Centre.
More information about Premium Services is available at our website or simply by calling our Contact Centre on 1300 737 881.
Community Telco provides mobile customers with access to call barring facilities that can prevent access to Premium content. Barring capabilities include the ability to bar or limit both premium calls and premium SMS/MMS.
Our plans will allow you specify a monthly spend limit for premium SMS services. You can alter your monthly limit at any stage simply by contacting our Customer Centre team on 1300 743 303.
To help you monitor your usage you can access information relating to unbilled amounts on your account. Access to such information can be made by calling our Customer Centre.
More information about Premium Services is available at our website or simply by calling our Contact Centre on 1300 743 303.
iiNet provides all our mobile customers the access to view and monitor their premium services costs and bar their service completely by logging into their account.
iiNet also has unbilled spend limits, assisting customers with their expenditure for premium mobile services.
More information can be found at, by calling the iiNet support team on 13 22 58 or by emailing in at
iPrimus has a number of measures available to help customers manage their expenditure on Mobile Premium Services.
iPrimus monitors for high usage and depending on the type of service may provide barring options and the ability to view unbilled charges through the iPrimus Account Toolbox. For more information contact iPrimus on 1300 85 85 85 or visit:
Macquarie Telecom provides its Customers with 24 x 7 access to MacquarieHUB, our on-shore Customer contact centre, that handles telephone or email requests for information on, or barring of Mobile Premium Services, as well as other support requests. To contact MacquarieHUB please call 1800 789 999 or email Please note, email requests can have a 1 business day turn-around time.
In addition, Macquarie Telecom has an online management tool called MacquarieView. This tool enables any client with administrator access to view their mobile fleet and adjust the barring or activation of various features on a mobile service, including Mobile Premium Services. To access MacquarieView, please visit If you need support, please speak with your Macquarie Telecom account team or MacquarieHUB.
Optus provides all our mobile customers with the ability to limit the amount prepaid and postpaid customers spend on Premium SMS services, including barring access completely. Monthly spend limits can be updated by accessing Optus Zoo, log in using your mobile number and Optus Zoo password and navigate to the Content Spend Limit page. Alternatively you can call Optus Customer Care.
For further information please visit
For information on Pivotel Mobile Premium services please call 1300 882 448 or visit:
Telstra provides access to Premium SMS services as a standard mobile service feature for most customers. Telstra also provides a number of service options such as barring and monthly spend limits to help you manage your Premium SMS usage. Please call 13 2200 to inquire.
For general information on managing premium services please visit:
For information on Think Mobile Premium Services please visit:
Virgin Mobile Australia offers the ability for Pre-Paid and Postpaid customers to bar Premium Services. Customer can request barring by dialing 275 from the handset they wish to bar and following the prompts, or by calling Virgin Mobile customer service on 1300 555 100 any day, 7am to 11pm AEST. Barring requests will be actioned by 6pm on the next business day at which time customers will no longer be charged for these services. Customers will not be charged for requesting barring. Further information on Premium Services is available at:
You can block or bar PSMS services by calling Vodafone for free on 1555 from your Vodafone mobile or 1300 650 410 (standard call charges will apply). There is no charge for activating barring of PSMS. Your account will be barred within 1 business day, no other services will be affected.
You can also view your use of Premium Services through My Vodafone.
For further information please visit
Westnet provides all our mobile customers the access to view and monitor their premium services costs and bar their service completely by logging into their account.
Westnet also has unbilled spend limits, assisting customers with their expenditure for premium mobile services.
More information can be found at, by calling the Westnet support team on 1300 786 068 or by emailing in at