HOW do I get HELP and Unsubscribe?
Step 1
Should you have issues with your service, or are having trouble unsubscribing, then you should call the provider of the services using the Helpline number provided in the subscription confirmation message and /or on your bill, quoting your mobile number and the 19 number of that particular service. Remember, if you have received content from more than one 19 shortcode, you may need to call more than one customer care number.
Step 2
If you cannot locate the Helpline details, the provider's details can be accessed via the 19 Service Finder provided on the right side bar of this site.
Step 3
If your query or request for help has not been addressed, then call your Mobile Service Provider (the company that issues your bills).
Step 4
If still unsuccessful, please call the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) on 1800 062 058
Dealing with a 'Scam'
Unfortunately there are also scams which may trick you into sending an SMS to a 19 number in the expectation that you will be buying a bona fide 19 SMS service. A scam can be identified by the fact that you were never asked to confirm your intention to subscribe to the service.
If you feel that you may have fallen victim to a scam please report it to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) www.accc.gov.au or 1300 302 502.
More information about scams is available at www.scamwatch.gov.au
Dealing with 'SPAM'If you receive an unsolicited SMS that advertises a service, or invites you to subscribe to a service, you may have been spammed. Don't delete it - report it to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) www.acma.gov.au or 1300 850 115.
Please note that Communications Alliance does not deal with specific telecommunications complaints.
More information:

HOW do I STOP my subscription?
If you wish to Opt-out, or unsubscribe from a 19 SMS Subscription Service, all you need to do is to SMS the word 'STOP' to the specified 19 number.
There are NO MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIODS for 19 SMS Services, meaning that you will not be required to pay any ongoing or contract termination charges from the point at which you have sent STOP. You should also be removed from the marketing database for that particular service.
More information: